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Tuesday, November 25, 2014


With this week being Thanksgiving I thought it would be interesting to talk a bit about it.  Everyone knows that the first Thanksgiving was when the pilgrims and indians finally came together and had a meal together. With that said there was obviously some bit of a communication barrier between them.  They over came this barrier and were able to sit and have a meal together and share each others traditions and cultures while also accepting each other for who they are.

Business Communication

As class is beginning to wrap up and we are all finishing these blogs its hard not to notice how much we have come together and became better communicators.  At the beginning of the semester you could tell everyone didn't like to speak in front of the class and now as class comes to an end we are having more discussions among the class and more feedback from fellow students.  This interaction I believe has helped everyone of us in becoming better communicators, as well as prepare us to be better communicators once we leave school to start our careers.

Asking Questions

Types of Questions

Most people tend to avoid asking questions when they have a guest speaker of any kind.  This is because most people don't know how to word their questions in order to get a good response to the question.  This link list various techniques to asking questions such as, closed and open ended questions.  Knowing how to ask questions effectively will help you succeed in the communication process.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Poor Communication

The lack of communication between Gary and his boss has lead to Gary thinking that he is being fired, but really is just receiving a new desk.  When you fail to communicate properly it can lead to mistakes and miscommunications amongst multiple people.  Always having a good flow of communication from top down, bottom up, and horizontal is the best way to have effective communication.


Keeping focused on what you are trying to achieve is very important.  As I approach the end of my schooling it has occurred to me that I never lost focus on what I was striving for.  I believe that if you focus on being successful you are going to end up being successful.  Everyone measures success in different ways so depending on how you do so it could take awhile but just remember to stay focused and always give your best.

Positive Messages

Giving positive messages is a lot better than having to send a negative message.  Also giving yourself positive messages is a good thing to stay in a good mood.  These short little notes is just a few thing that you can do to send yourself positive messages.  Something that I have always done is write positive thing on sticky notes and place them throughout my apartment so I never forget what I'm trying to do.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Negative Messages

Have you ever had to write a negative message for anything? They can be hard to write sometimes, for the simple fact of not wanting to hurt someones feelings or put them in a bad place.  Here are three situations for writing a negative message.  I think the majority of us have received a rejection letter from and employer in which we were seeking a job that decided to go with another candidate. There are many situations in which to write negative messages and the format you choose, direct or indirect, can really effect the way the message is perceived by the reader.