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Thursday, October 16, 2014


Just face the truth we all have some sort of things that we procrastinate on.  Personally I am the type of person that waits until the night before a test or paper to even begin to think about what it is i need to do to accomplish the task.  Some people think that the added pressure helps them preform better.  But it actually doesn't because you are in such a rush to finish what you're working on you can over look simple mistakes and errors.


  1. This picture says exactly how I feel right now, as I'm writing this....

  2. I strongly recommend a program called Cold Turkey if distractions on the internet are a problem. You make a donation, download the software, tell it what programs and websites to block, and then activate it for a selected period of time. You can't turn it off either. It's helped me a lot so far. It doesn't solve all of your procrastination problems, but it helps.

  3. Thank you Nicole I will have to look into that program!!!
