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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Importance of an Interview

5 Reasons Informational Interviews are Important

I thought since we are all starting to get into our interview in class that this would be a good insight as to why they are truly important.  Many people dread doing interviews, trust me I am one of them.  The thought of sitting in front of someone trying to get valuable information or even make a good impression is frightening.  This article gives 5 reasons as to why we do interviews and if you think about it the things stated really do make a difference.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Missing out

CEO quits job at trillion dollar company

Its amazing that so much of or time is devoted to doing things for our jobs. With that said since we do spend so much time focusing on our work we tend to lose sight and communication with what is necessarily important in our lives. The man in this article realized after is 10 year old daughter made a list of 22 things he had missed out that he had lost touch with his daughter and they hadn't been communicating very well.

Monday, September 22, 2014



I find it interesting that even with all the technology we have to people still tend to buy more and interact more when they finally have that face-to-face meeting.  Face-to-face meeting are seen as a thing of the past but this article proves that you can generate more revenue with them, and money spent on travel to get to those interactions is beneficial.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Business Card

The way we give out business cards around the world is different.  This has a lot to do with cultural differences.  For instance when in Japan you hold the card with two hand facing the person whom it is intended for.  They do this so that you may have the chance to read it first to determine who will bow first, which symbolizes that the person who isn't bowing has a higher standing.  I thought this was interesting, coming from America we don't really have a well understanding of what other countries do when handing out business cards.

Monday, September 15, 2014


I thought this was interesting since it lists blog and we are having to do a blog for our communications class.  This is only just a few ways that we communicate in every day life as well work life.  

Importance of Team Communication Skills

In order to have a good team and work together you have to have good communication.  Without communication throughout the team the team would never come together and give the best effort possible.  The more communication you have the more cohesive your team is going to be.  Also once you start becoming more cohesive you are more likely to share ideas with the team to build on the project or task.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

5 C's in Communication

The five things that are discussed in this video explain exactly how communication should be done.  Without any of these C's communication would just be raw information in my opinion and hard to understand and respond to.

Communication Styles

Video conferences is starting to become more popular now with they advancements in technology rather than the conventional face-to-face conference.  I think this technology is really starting to have a bigger impact in business because you can be connected with people around the world. Also its can be easier to just connect to the video conference when you have multiple other requirement rather than taking the time to schedule a face-to-face meeting with a person/group.

Four Steps to Effective Sales Management Communication

Four Steps to Effective Sales Management Communication

I think this is very insightful and surprising to learn that most sales managers actually admit to having poor communication skills.  The four steps that are discussed in the article go back to everything that we have been learning throughout the class and even in our lives. Also seeing that if you follow these steps there is proof showing that you can improve on being a better sales manager.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


This has a very good insight as to the differences between what listening and hearing actually is.  Also it shows that we spend more time listening than we do anything else in the communication process.  Which for people like me whom are inspiring to become future managers this shows that you must listen more than anything else as well as understand what you are listening to.

First Impressions

In business and everyday living shaking hands is one of the biggest impressions that we get from a person.  Some people think shaking hands strongly can be viewed as a sign of aggression or very controlling.  Also when you shake hand you don't always know what to expect when you put your hand out there. What do you all have to think about shaking hand and the impression that this gesture has?

Virtual Choir

Virtual Choir

I think this is really interesting because unlike regular communication these people are speaking to one another online and they all share a common interest which is to perform and sing in a choir.  Some of these people would have never been chosen to perform in a usual choir setting but i think thats the point of the virtual choir.  People are coming from all places of the world and work together to complete this.